What is it in your life that you think you can’t accomplish?

All my life I believed I wasn’t good enough.

I wasn’t strong enough. I wasn’t athletic enough. I wasn’t talented enough.  I just wasn’t enough, but then I got hurt enough and angry enough that I started running.

And I realized I could push myself. And I could do more than I thought. And I was stronger than I thought, and tougher than I thought.  And braver than I thought. And I kept going. But it wasn’t ever really about the running.

The running is just what taught me these things that were already true about myself but buried deep.

What is it in your life that you think you can’t accomplish?*

What is it that people have told you you cannot do?* What are the lies that you have believed about yourself? Wouldn’t it feel really good to prove them wrong?* Wouldn’t it feel really good to prove yourself wrong?

Because it’s never really about the running. It’s about learning who you are. It’s about learning what you are capable of. It’s about embracing yourself. It’s about striving and letting go all at the same time. It’s never really about the running.

It’s actually about everything else that makes up every part of who you are.

*Taken from Reese Witherspoon’s speech at the 2015 Glamour magazine Women of the Year event